Hold on firmly together.....

Hold on firmly together to the rope of Allah, and be not divided among yourselves, and remember the favors Allah bestowed on you when you were one anther's foe and He reconciled your hearts and you turned into brethren through His grace. Al-Amran-103

(Translation in Urdu)

اور سب مل کر اللہ کی (ہدایت کی) رسی کو مضبوًط پکڑے رہنا اور متفرق نہ ہونا اور اللہ کی اس مہربانی کو یاد کرو۔ جب تم ایک دُوسرے کے دُشمن تھے تو اُس نے تمہارے دلوں میں اُلفت ڈال دی اور تم اس کی مہربانی سے بھائی بھائی ہو گئے۔
سورۃ آلِ عمران۔103

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Where am I going?

Life is like a tunnel
long and pitch dark
void of torch, creates suffocation
and summons turfulance
People here are like passers by
similar in status but dissimilar
in mental stature
Heaviness and drowsiness detain
the dreams;
life is like a tunnel
due to dirth
in sincerity, love and devotion
Alas! progress & prosperity
all in one
prevail here and there in full length
is nothing
debauchery, vanity and frailty
Oh! where am I going?
no where!
But these faces never change
Nor have I changed
Every year a new enthusiasm
A new excitement
It seems that I am still there
Where I was
And the winged chariot of time
Is running fast by me
There is no yesterday
No to day in my life
But these new faces look mature

They have gone through the
Vicissitudes of life
Their hearts are full of hopes
Though not without apprehensions

These are the people who
have seen life
made, unmade, scattering
and breaking
But they also observe that
factional rivalries
Are turning into
personal devotions
It appears that oppressions
is reaching its extreme
And human sympathies are
The clouds of darkness are
There is light on the horizon
But this is not the glare
Of missiles and atomic bombs
It is the reflection
Of man's confidence
Who never staggered even
In the worst situations
May these eyes overflow no more
I am here, so are you
No one will say Good bye
The time will pass
Only the time will pass

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Indeed We have honoured.........

Indeed We have honored the children of Adam, and carried them over land and sea, provided them with good things for their sustenance, and exalted them over many of Our creatures.
          Bani Israil.70
        (Translation in Urdu)

ہم نے بنی آدم کو عزت بخشی اور خُشکی اور تری میں انہیں سواریاں عطا کیں اور ان کو پاکیزہ چیزوں سے رزق دیا اور اپنی بہت سی مخلوقات پر(ان کو) فضیلت دی۔
           بنی اسرائیل۔70

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The faithful are surely.......

The faithful are surely brothers; so restore friendship among your brothers, and fear Allah; you may haply be favored.            

(Translation in Urdu)

مومن تو آپس میں بھائی بھائی ہیں تو اپنے دو بھائیوں میں صلح کرا دیا کرواور اللہ سے ڈرتے رہو تاکہ تم پر رحمت کی جائے۔
   سُورۃ الحجرات

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O believers, you should not.................

O believers, you should not usurp unjustly the wealth of each other, but trade by mutual consent; and do not destroy one another, Allah is merciful to you.
       An-Nisa 29
(Translation in Urdu)
مومنو! ایک دوسرے کا مال نا حق نہ کھاؤ، ہاں اگر آپس کی رضا مندی سے تجارت کا لین دین ہو( اور اس سے مالی فائدہ حاصل ہو جائے تو وہ جائز ہے )اور اپنے آپ کو ہلاک نہ کرو۔ کُچھ شک نہیں کہ اللہ تم پر مہربان ہے۔
  سُورۃ النساء 29

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It is He who sends down...............

It is He who sends down water from the skies, and brings out of it everything that grows, the green foliage, the grain lying close, the date palm trees with clusters of dates, and the gardens of grapes, and of olives and pomegranates, so similar yet so unlike.


(Translation in Urdu)

وہی ہے جس نے آسمان سے پانی برسایا پھر اس کے ذریعے سے ہر قسم کی نباتات اُگائی پھر اس سے ہرے ہرے کھیت اور درخت پیدا کئے پھر اُن سے تہہ بہ تہہ جُڑے ہوئے دانے نکالے پھر کھجور کے شگوفوں سے پھلوں کے گُچھے پیدا کئے جو بوجھ کے مارے جُھکے پڑے ہیں اور انگور اور زیتون اور انار کے باغ لگائے جن کے پھل ایک دوسرے سے ملتے جُلتے بھی ہیں اور ہر ایک کی خصوصیات الگ الگ بھی ہیں۔
     سورۃ الانعام 99

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I have never looked back in life
But life has been turning back on me all the time

And so if today, when a phase,
Of life is coming to an end
I recall the associations of 30 years
Smiling faces flushing with desire
           And curiosity
Mischief reflecting from big round eyes
The passion to know something
The desire to lose something
Love is reflected in the faces
Which creates stories in the
Watchful eyes
I've seen all of them
And I am seeing them today
As well
Distances seem to have
The calendar changes
Every year

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Today English Language is a global concern since it an omnipresent phenomenon. Most of the countries of the world communicate with one another only in this language. Global trade, business, research education and interaction is prompted in English language.In today's world when introduction of internet has created a new phenomenon called "global village. "Vitality of correct English pronunciation has increased manifold. Actually correct pronunciation has become an enigma for those countries where English is used as foreign language rather than the native or first one.
In most of the third world countries including Pakistan, this problem has become a serious one because the English language learners do not have any English speaking model. From the very beginning, the kids listen words from their teachers in wrong pronunciation. They join schools, colleges and universities but the English teachers and professors speak English in local style. The influence of their mother tongue, local languages and traditional languages remain dominated throughout their lives. Eventually they can not speak correct English in their later lives.
If we study phonetics which is a branch of scientific study dealing with pronunciation  of sentences, or we study phonology which is scientific study dealing with pronunciation of words, we come to know that merely Theoretical level studies fail to work. Oxford university press has introduced Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary which no doubt helps in reshaping pronunciation of words but only at Theoretical level because experience speaks otherwise. Even if a person who masters all words in phonetic or phonological sense, cannot speak correct English because he fails to change his speech habits.
Our students who qualify their examinations in local colleges or universities face good number of problems in speaking. They can hardly communicate with the native speakers abroad. They cannot understand well what the native speaker speaks. Thus the problem lies in the listening skills as well. I would like to mention certain techniques or skills which definitely would help not only the students of the College but the general English language learners. And in this context my decade long experience to teach native English pronunciation to the Pakistani students would also speak an extra doze of knowledge.Today English Language is a global concern since it an omnipresent phenomenon. Most of the countries of the world communicate with one another only in this language. Global trade, business, research education and interaction is prompted in English language.In today's world when introduction of internet has created a new phenomenon called "global village. "Vitality of correct English pronunciation has increased manifold. Actually correct pronunciation has become an enigma for those countries where English is used as foreign language rather than the native or first one.
In most of the third world countries including Pakistan, this problem has become a serious one because the English language learners do not have any English speaking model. From the very beginning, the kids listen words from their teachers in wrong pronunciation. They join schools, colleges and universities but the English teachers and professors speak English in local style. The influence of their mother tongue, local languages and traditional languages remain dominated throughout their lives. Eventually they can not speak correct English in their later lives.
If we study phonetics which is a branch of scientific study dealing with pronunciation  of sentences, or we study phonology which is scientific study dealing with pronunciation of words, we come to know that merely Theoretical level studies fail to work. Oxford university press has introduced Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary which no doubt helps in reshaping pronunciation of words but only at Theoretical level because experience speaks otherwise. Even if a person who masters all words in phonetic or phonological sense, cannot speak correct English because he fails to change his speech habits.
Our students who qualify their examinations in local colleges or universities face good number of problems in speaking. They can hardly communicate with the native speakers abroad. They cannot understand well what the native speaker speaks. Thus the problem lies in the listening skills as well. I would like to mention certain techniques or skills which definitely would help not only the students of the College but the general English language learners. And in this context my decade long experience to teach native English pronunciation to the Pakistani students would also speak an extra doze of knowledge.

Firstly the English language learners especially the pronunciation learners whether those are students, teachers, professors, officers or media persons need to rebuild their speech habits again. Changing speech habits means re-definition or re-assertion of use of tongue muscles.

They will have to revolutionize the use of their tongue muscles that they may be able to use the back part of their tongue rather than the front part. In Punjabi and Urdu language we speak with our front lips whereas in English language we need to learn the back part of our tongue. The simple word Kashmir in Pakistani style is spoken as "KUSHmeer" where as in English style the same word is spoken as Kashmir. The stress seems on the first part of the word.

Secondly, the language learner needs to be careful about the use of "R" sound. When this sound is preceded by Vowel sound - A, E, I, o, u - it becomes completely silent. For instance, the word brother is spoken as brDthe not brother. It means "R" sound was preceded by "e" sound thereby it became silent.

Thirdly the "R" sound when is succeeded by any vowel sound, its sound is multiplied. For an instance, in sound Rubber, "R" is succeeded by Vowel sound "U" thereby it's voice would greatly be enhanced.

Fourthly when the sound "M" and "N" come together, "N" sound becomes silent. For instance if we say, there are ten mice in cage, we say there a temice in the cage because the "N" sound would be ousted.

Fifthly many words of common use are either modified or deleted altogether. For example the word, Are would be pronounced as only a or e, have only as "v", had only as "d", has not as hasn't, have not as haven't, should not as shouldn't, can not as can't.

Lastly we need to follow pitch of sounds, some words are stressed and some are unstressed, some are spoken in higher pitch whereas some are spoken in lower pitch. Words when occur in connected speech, their way of pronunciation is drastically changed. In order to internalize the whole system of English pronunciation I would suggest the following:
The students need to make exercises of listening from native speakers and reading of what they listen. It means, they will make simultaneous exercises of reading. During this process, they would establish link between words and their sounds. They would also follow stress patterns of different words. And they should also make simultaneous exercises of listening and speaking. This process would greatly help in remoulding or re-designing the speech habits.

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Thou with me.......

God created me out of clay, stones and dust
God created thou out of light, not to rust

Statue smiled when thou merged in me
Statue turned alive when thou smiled in me

paradise proved unworthy place for me
I fled away when thou with me

I reacheth earth saw men in raw from
booming bodies with boiling pain in bad form

Earth was not a worthy place for me
God created a new heaven thou with me

Again I fled away when thou with me
I became smoke in skies thou with me


                                                          A.M. Aatif

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Teaching English Language through Literature....

This article explores different ways through which literature can be used by the teachers of English language so as to maximize learning among the learners and enhance the learners' motivation, in addition this article also highlights some of the serious challenges which English language teachers confront while teaching students who are often not sufficiently equipped to benefit themselves in terms of increasing their language proficiently through the study of literature. Finally, this article proposes some of the vital considerations which the syllabus designers as well as the teachers must bear in mind while selecting an array of literacy texts  to be the learners at different levels.
Literature-based syllabus is considered useful in terms of motivating the students as it gives them information regarding different cultures (Ronnqvist and sell 1994), presents life-like and imaginary situations (cook 1983), entertains, gives ample opportunity to the learners to acquire second language and provides the teachers a means to work on learners' language skills,both productive and receptive. moreover, the learners' get motivated as they raise questions while studying literature, Ronnquist and sell (1994) argue that literature motivates the learners as they acquire the cultural information which in certain ways makes them behave like the members of the target community, this boundlessly helps the learners acquire their target language , carrel (1984) also holds this view and points out that reading about the local setting of the target community is highly motivating for the learners a this type of reading enlarges their vision regarding the culture of the native speakers of the target language, this in turn helps the learners acquire their target language in a more efficient manner, Galda and cullinan (2002.p.7) claim that literature "entertains"...intorms"|it| enables young people to explore and understand their would " and "enriches their lives and widens their horizons". Thus, through literature, children "lean about people and places on the other side of the world as well as ones down the street. They can travel back and forth in time to visit familiar places and people, to meet new friends, and to see new worlds. They can explore their own feelings, shape their own values, and imagine lives beyond the one they live".
Thus, the study of literature motivates the learners in ways which are not possible for the textbooks which are written solely for the purpose of enabling the learners acquire their target language. Huck et al. (1997) also share their view and believe that through literature the learners are culturally enriched and get to know the target community more closely than they can through the books which create limited and artificial situations that may offer little motivation.

Lazar (1990) believes that literature may be highly motivating for the students as it provides them opportunities to observe real life situations from a close quarter. She states, "A good novel addresses itself to complex situations and adult dilemmas. It engages our students intellectually, emotionally, and linguistically, and as such it can provide the basis for motivating a variety of classroom activities. Hismanoglu (2005) avers that the real life situations are abundantly found in literature. Thus literature can be useful in the language learning process owing to the personal involvement it fosters in the reader.Once the student reads a literary text, he begins to inhabit the text. He is drawn into the text. Understanding the meanings of lexical items or phrases becomes less significant than pursuing the development of the story. Oller (1983) agrees with this belief and considers the learners' motivation level of the characters that the students are studying. Thus, if the communication between the characters is exciting or pal in the learners themselves seem excited or flat accordingly. Huck et al. (1997,p.15) literature is "the imaginative shaping of life and thought into the forms and structures of language". Thus, though the appreciation of vicarious experiences, the learners tend to develop empathy which heightens the level of their motivation.
Cook (1983) views literature as being useful in terms of not only providing motivation to the learners though encapsulating real life-like situations but it also includes imaginary characters and situations which entertain the students more like a television soap Consequently, literature sweetens the pill of language learning for the learners.
Commeyras summer (1998) contend that literature makes the students motivated to learn though questions. The study of literature makes the students curious resulting in questions which the students pose in order to satisfy their curiosity. It makes the classroom interaction between the teacher and students livelier According to Thomas (1988, p.552), "Thinking about why-questions and answers, gets to the center of what teaching is all about, touching on motivation, behavior and learning itself."
In addition, literature provides entertainment to the learners which increases their motivation level and facilitates the process of second language acquisition (Norton 1999, Tomlin son 1996, Brown 2004, Winch et  al 2004). Ghosn (2002) also affirms the idea that literature motivates the students through entertaining them. It implies that the learners unwittingly carry on studying literature for pleasure's sake which serves as a catalyst for language learning as well.
Rudman (1993) and Small wood (1996) argue that besides being a pragmatic vehicle for improving the learners' reading and writing skills, literature also serves to bring the target language close to the learners as it displays the language working in multiple context and diverse situations. According to Winch et al. (2004, p. 402), literature provides a remarkable opportunity to the students "to see language in action", "a great resource for more formal learning about the structures of language" and "a locus for learning about these structures in meaningful contexts". Fosters (2003) agrees with this view and sees an invaluable potential in literature to provide the learners with different models of language structures which may be useful in expanding the learners' linguistic prowess. According to Xu (2003), the students while studying literature come across repeated language structures, vocabulary items and uses which help them develop their linguistic repertoire. Mitchell (1989) points out that the reading of literature carries an experience of an informal encounter of the learners with a native speaker of the target language which in such a case would be the author. This informal encounter in turn makes the language learning process more interactive and subsequently pleasant.
Sage (1987) believes that literature offers to the learners the opportunities to learn their target language which may include not only the literary and conventional modes of language as used by the native speakers but also provides them with informal linguistic modes which the learners may find useful in their everyday life.

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He raised the sky and...........................

He raised the sky and set the Balance so that none may err against the scales, and observe correct measure weigh with justice, and not cheat the balance.


     (Translation in Urdu)

اور اُسی نے آسمان کو بلند کیا اور ترازو قائم کی۔ کہ ترازو (سے تولنے) میں حد سے تجاوز نہ کرو ۔ اور انصاف کے ساتھ ٹھیک تولو اور تول کم مت کرو۔


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Allah enjoins that you.......

Allah enjoins that you render to the owners what is held in trust with you, and that when you judge among the people do so equitably. Noble are the counsels of Allah, and Allah hears all and sees everything.

                                     An- Nisa 58


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(The mantle poem 'Written' to eulogize the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.)
(The mantle Poem) was composed by Abu Abdullah Muhammad, son of Said of Busiri in upper Egypt. Generally, he is called Sharafud Din Muhammad Al-Busiri. He is said to have been born in 608 A.H. (1211 AD)
and to have died between 691 to 700 A.H. (1291-1300 A.D.)
Some literary historians are of the view that what persuaded Al-Busiri to compose the "Qaseeda" was his paralytic condition from which he entreated the favor of the Prophet (PBUH) for his recovery and hence its other appellation "Bur" ah" (recovery). His other renowned Qaseedah (eulogy) "Hamziyyah" is also on the Prophet i.e. to pay tribute to the Holy Prophet (PBUH) Al-Busiri is said to have seen the Holy Prophet in a dream pass his hand over his face and throw over him the "Burdha" (mantle) he did not take notice of it until he found himself able to move.
"Burdah" is interpreted to be the outer gament of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) which he had bestowed upon the poet Ka'ab lbn Zuhair Bin Abi Salma for his lyric poem on the Holy Prophet (PBUH). The Prophet (PBUH) considered the Qaseedah or ode well modulated which, with its elocution moved him so much that he bestowed his "Burdah" on Ka'b. But the "Burdah" of Al-Busiri enjoys greater veneration than the eulogy of Ka'b lbn Zuhair on account of the former's detailed description of the Prophet's life.
Al-Busiri in his tribute to the Prophet deals with various themes. Unlike the ancient Arabian bards, who usually began their poems with some kind of amatory address, Al-Busiri in his first couplets introduces verses of sublime love and affection in remembrance of the Prophet. The themes then drift to other subjects like the 'Rebel Soul' (nafs ammarah), the Prophet's nightly devotion, his austerity, the enumeration of the Prophet's virtues, supernatural events that coincided his birth, the light of Muhammad (Peace be upon him). ,Quran, the battles in which he participated, and his fervent plea called, 'Munajat'.
In a nut shell, "The Burdah" is really one of the great masterpieces of Arabic literature which claims the attention of both scholars and general readers alike. "The Qaseedah" flames out like beacon lights, and is replete with delicate thoughts and beautiful moods, which swim across the heart. A few Muslims may even for one moment in eternity experience the passion which flows abundantly in the verse of the Burdah, especially in the Mort sublime verses composed in praise of the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon Him) .
The invocation of God's Blessing on the Holy Prophet (PBUH) is mentioned with scholastic capability. It is the unanimous opinion of the learned Muslim scholars that a Muslim must voluntarily invoke blessings on the Holy Prophet (PBUH) very often, because what is excess of this is considered desirable. There are also well known 'Hadiths' (Sayings of the Holy Prophet) making it obligatory, particularly after each mention of His name. Very famous invocation in the Qaseedah is as follows:

   "My God! Send Your blessings and peace always
     forever on your beloved, the best of all creation".

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" Earthquake"

Earthquake is a shaking of the ground caused by the sudden breaking and shifting of large sections of the earth's rocky outer shell. Earthquakes are among the most powerful events on the earth and their results can be terrifying. Severe earthquake may release energy 10,000 times as great as that of the first atomic bomb. Rock movements during an earthquake can make rivers change their course. Earthquake can trigger landslides that cause great damage and loss of life. Large earthquakes beneath the ocean can create a series of huge, destructive waves called "Tsunamis" that flood cause such type of tsunami hit the South East Asian coasts on December 26,2004 and more then 2,83,100 people were killed.
Earthquakes almost never kill people directly. Instead, many deaths and injuries in earthquakes result from falling objects and the collapse of buildings, bridges and other structures. Fire resulting from broken gas or power lines in another major danger during a quake. On average, a powerful earthquake occurs less then once every two years. At least 40 moderate earthquakes cause damage some where in the world each year. About 40,000 to 50,000 small earthquakes large enough to be felt but not damaging occur annually.
Why Earthquakes occur?
Scientists have developed a theory called "plate tectonic" that explains why do most earthquakes occur. According to this theory, the earth's outer shell consists of about 10 large rigid plates and about 20 smaller ones. Each plate consists of a section of the earth's crust and a portion of the "Mantle" the thick layer of hot rock below the crust. Scientists call this layer of crust and upper "mantle" the "lithosphere". The plates move slowly and continuously on the asthenosphere, layer of hot, soft out in the mantle. As the plates move, they collide, move apart, or slide past one another.
The movement of the plates strains the rock at the near plate boundaries and produces zones of faults around these boundaries. Along segments of some faults, the rocks become locked in place and cannot slide or the plates move. Stress builds up in the rock on both sides of the fault and causes the rock to break and shift in an earthquake.
Safety Precautions:
Safety precautions are vital during an earthquake. As you know that earthquakes never kill people directly. People can protect themselves by standing under a door frame or crouching under a table or chair until the shaking stops. They should never go out doors until the shaking has stopped completely. Even then, people should use extreme caution. Large earthquakes may be followed by many smaller quakes, called after shocks. People should stay clear of walls, windows and damaged structures which could crash in an after shock. People who are outdoors, when an earthquake hits should quickly move away from tall trees, steep slopes, buildings, and power lines. If they are near a large body of water, they should move to higher ground.
So Beware! And follow the above instructions during earthquake, because it is an unpredictable natural hazard.
Let us pray that may Allah almighty protect us from the destructive activities of such a natural hazard like earthquake.

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Speed-breakers:The Conspiracy Theory...............

There used to be a dozen in the beginning, when the would was still young and a rupee got you more then a laugh. On those long stretches of roads were commuter concentration was particularly vulnerable. Then, they began to increase in number. Linearly at first, the dozen became two, the couple dozen became four, accident prone and pedestrian heavy areas were identified and inundated. They would be made outside schools, colleges, mosques, any place that was frequently visited and where traffic was high. Suddenly, a few years ago, they started multiplying exponentially. They were popping up on main roads, side roads, neighborhood streets, streets where traffic was already perpetually jammed, streets where cars hadn't wandered for hundred of years.
You would pass a road in the morning and come back in the evening to find a freshly paved pump on it. You could be watching the road all day and just go inside to take a look and there would be a bump waiting for you outside. You could blink while driving and suddenly it would pop up right in front of you , sending you flying in your seat.
It was bizarre , mystifying, senseless. There were more speed-breakers then cars on some roads. It was like Lahore had a rush, an infection, an epidemic. They popped up out of nowhere. They had no symmetry no design, no point, nothing. They resembled skin pinched between a pair of tweezers and they were everywhere! They were taking over the entire city.
It wasn't just the motorists who had their buttocks broken either, pedestrians were falling over them. They were so surreptitiously placed as to avoid detection until you were completely on top of them. they were ingenious. But what was especially puzzling was the fact that they were unnecessary. Nobody asked for them. Nobody wanted them. They didn't serve any purpose. If breaking speed was the idea, the foot deep ditches in the broken roads of Lahore were already doing a finer job of it. Nobody can drive fast on a road  with pits so deep they probably go all the way down to hell. It's already a struggle negotiating these streets. If the broken patches don't get you, the cyclist and donkeys and horses will.
Even if you manage to get past them with your speed and sanity in tact, you'll only come to meet the real villains of the piece , the rickshaw and wagon drivers.
The  rickshaw driver is a gentle little soul, who just wants to be left alone as he plods along the road at 5 miles an hour, oblivious to all forms of abuse while relaxing with his feet on the steering. His deadliest weapon is the pristine black smoke he releases from the back of his farcical vehicle, which happens to produce more carbon monoxide than a brick kiln.
The wagon driver is a dangerous, sadistic creature who will incite you with every swirl, cut and turn into a challenge that you are doomed to fail; getting ahead of him. To say that they drive like madmen would be an insult to the insane. These fine sociopaths have been deemed too mentally unstable even for lunatic asylums.
All these things conspire to make sure that you're never going faster then a crippled fat kid on a tricycle, anyway. So why the breaker overkill?
I thought long and hard, then I thought short and soft, then I stopped thinking dirty thoughts and decided to focus on the breakers. I could only come up with two possible explanations.
The first, that the municipal councils had run out of spaces to expand graveyards into (or build new ones) and therefor the bereaved of the city had been clandestinely advised to bury their dead under six feet of solid pavement.
That, however is a level of creativity and cleverness by the civic administration I'm just not comfortable accepting. It is uncharacteristic with their track record of zero intelligent policies enacted, and let's put it in a time frame, ever.
So my mind began to wander onto more sinister explanations. I wondered . I wondered who could possibly benefit from rending us all back patients? I wondered who had the means to pull off such a dastardly plan? I wondered who it was that had aspirations for world domination. What better way to get at vertebrates than through their spines? And then I wondered some more.
And finally it hit me, with its fists at first then a flurry of elbows, knees and legs. An epiphany, Eureka! It was the Zionists. It had to be. It made perfect sense. The Zionists were taking over our streets, butchering our cars, leveling our behinds. Zaid Hamid and his merry band of retards had been right all along, it was all part of the international Zionist conspiracy to take over the would, one speed breaker at a time.

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Dolly was a female domestic sheep, the first cloned mammal from an adult somatic cell, using the process of nuclear transfer. She was cloned by LAN Wilmut, Keith Campbel and colleagues at the Roslin Institute near Edinburgh in Scotland. She was born on 5 July, 1996 and she lived until the age of six.
( 14 February, 2004 )
 The cell used as the donor for cloning of Dolly was taken from a mammary gland, and the production of a healthy clone therefor proved that a cell taken from a specific part of the body could recreate a whole individual. As Dolly was cloned from part of mammary gland, she was named after the famously curvaceous country western singer Dolly Parton.
The technique of somatic cell nuclear transfer, was used where the cell nucleus from an adult cell was transferred into an unfertilized oocyte (beveloping egg cell). The nucleous of the oocyte was removed.The hybrid cell was then stimulated to divide by an electric shock, and when it develops into a blast cyst it was implanted in a foster mother.
Dolly was the first clone produced from a cell taken from an adult mammal. The production of Dolly showed that genes in the nucleus of such a mature differentiated somatic cell are still capable of reverting back to an undifferentiated totipotent state, creating a cell can then go on to develop into any part of animal. However, this reprogramming process is not perfect and embryos produced by nuclear transfer often show abnormal development.
As a consequence of these difficulties in development, cloning mammals by nuclear transfer isstill highly inefficient, with Dolly the only lamb that survived to adulthood from 277 attempts. However, he birth is still recognized as one of the major stepping stones in the development of modern biology. Wilmut, who led the team that created Dolly, announced in 2007 that the nuclear transfer technique may never be sufficiently efficient for use in humans.
Dolly lived for her entire life at Roslin Institute. There she was bred with a Welson Mountain ram and produced six lambs in total. Her first lamb called Bonnie, was born in April 1998. the next year Dolly produced twin lambs Saily and Rosie, and she gave birth to triplets Lucky, Darcy and Cotton in the year after that. In the autumn of 2001, atthe age of five, Dolly developed arthritis and began to walk stiffly, but this was successfully treated with anti-inflammatory drugs.
On 14 February 2003, Dolly died because of a progressive lung disease and severe arthritis. A Finn Dorset such as Dolly has a life expectancy of around 11 to 12 years, but Dolly lived to be only six years of age. A post-Morten examination showed she had a from of lung cancer called Jaagsiekte, which is a fairly common disease of sheep and is caused by the retrovirus JSRV. Roselin scientists stated that they did not think there was a connection with Dolly's  being a clone, and that other sheep in the same flock had died of the same disease. Such lung diseases are a particular danger for sheep kept indoors, and Dolly had to sleep inside for security reasons. Some have speculated that a contributing factor to Dolly's death was that she could have been born with a genetic age of six years, the same age as the sheep from which she was cloned. One basis for this idea it was found that Dolly's cells were shot, which typically is a result of the ageing process. The rosin Institute has stated that intensive health screening did not reveal any abnormalities in Dolly that could have come from advanced aging.
After cloning was successfully demonstrated through the production of Dolly, many many other large mammals have been cloned, including horses and bulls. The attempt to clone argali sheep did not produce viable embryos.The attempt to clone a bull was more successful, as were the attempt to clone mouflon (a from of wild sheep), both resulting in viable offspring. In 2005 a dog, snappy, was cloned by Korean stem cell researcher, Hwang Woo-Suk. Although cloning may eventually become a viable tool for preserving endangered species and important in the future production of transgenic livestock, animal conservation professionals point out that cloning does not alleviate the problems of loss of genetic diversity and habitat, and so must be considered an experimental technology for the time.

Other Species cloned
The modern cloning techniques involving nuclear transfer have been successfully performed on several  species. Landmark work in cloning is listed below:
>Carp: (1963) Chinese, embryologist Tong Dizhou produced the world's first cloned fish by inserting the    DNA from a cell of a male carp into an egg from a female carp.

>Mice (1986) A mouse "Masha" was the first successfully cloned mammal by Soviet scientists Chaylakhyan, Veprencev, Sviridova, and Nikitin.

>Sheep: (1996) Steen Willadsen.  Megan and Mo-rag from early differentiated embryonic cells.

>Dolly the Sheep from a somatic cell in 1997.

>Rhesus Monkey: Tetra (January 2000) from embryo splitting.

>Gaur: (2001) was the first endangered species cloned.

>Cattle: Alpha and Beta (males, 2001) and (2005) in Brazil.

>Cat: Copy Cat "CC" (female, late 2001), Little Nicky, 2004, was the first  cat cloned for commercial reasons.

>Mule: Idaho Gem, a john mule was born on 4 May 2003, the first horse-family clone.

>Horse: Prometea, (28 May 2003). Haflinger female the first cloned horse was born.

>Water Buffalo: (February 6, 2009), Samrupa was the first cloned water buffalo. It was born in India's Karna l 
  National Diary Research Institute but died five days later due to lung infection.

>Camel: (2009) Injaz, the first cloned came.

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A Paragon of Perfeaction.....

Verily deeper dales delivered drowsiness
when dancing deities descended  darkness

when death preceded death, dusk explored crux
pen empowered the painter to paint a flux

Added line after line and dot after dot
A paragon of perfection fell to my lot

when blithy soul ceased all servile sickness
when tiny particles of soul twinkled in numbness

Union infused flames of fire in a frail fly
stone turned luster lightening the whole sky

A sweet distance within eyes within smiles
Two bodies, one soul flies within skies


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Harry Potter is no longer unknown name as this extraordinary novel has "actually"  grabbed masses minds & imaginations quiet firmly.  {Rowling Stones ", the writer of this novel has introduced a new thought of fiction. Fiction, actually, in literally, a new way a very different school of thought one must say.
Novel takes us into a new world of magic & Fantasy where everything is magic " Just like that" Novel is based upon an 11 years old boy who owns two opposite lives, who never knew where he actually belongs till his 11th birthday . On that very day he finds out his a "magician", a "wizard". WHO He can do magic.
A world with his actual identity. In magical world, he's famous, everyone knew him as "The boy who lived". As there's prophesy that's foretold about the boy that he is destined for greatness & to defeat the Evil Master 
in magical world known by the name "Load Voldemort".
Lord Voldemort took everything he had, His parents.But the fate repays what we give. as Lord Voldemort also lost everything counter curse reflected back towards him but he survived. His soul is not fully destroyed.
Avery good description about every emotion of person who lost everything is mentioned. Despite of all these deficiencies, boy is still kindhearted,humble, talented, very intelligent with God gifted abilities. He can do tremendous things when no one else of this age can. & How he fights till the end.
Novel revolves around the new relations he makes in the fantasy world. Sometimes happier. Sometimes bitter but a very good blend. But there's still always something missing, His parents thanks to "Lord Voldemort". One magical course is feared a lot in this world which is deadly & killing curse knows as Avada Kedabra that no man can survive except one who is Harry Potter. The most fatal curse of all used only by corrupt minds and evils.
A very interesting fact about this novel is the terminologies used very cleverly. Very typical words usage makes it more interesting. This novel has seven parts mentioned as..

     . Harry Potter & The Sorcerer's Stone
     . Harry Potter & The Chamber of Secrets
     . Harry Potter & The Prisoner of Azkaban
     . Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire
     . Harry Potter & The Order of Phoenix
     . Harry Potter & The Half Blood Prince
     . Harry Potter & The Seven Horcuxes

Harry Potter the novel has got so much popularity around the Globe that this novel is being translated into more than hundred languages. & all times record breaking selling via Internet. Above all Multimedia has added a lot by giving life to this novel.
This novel is  being picturized, A movie with the name Harry Potter. Six parts of this movie  series have been released already. The last is left. This movie has been a Block Buster Hit & has done a terrific business on BOX OFFICE.
The novel also gives a message How to opt for good. or bad? Message of peace & making effort for other. Sacrificing one's own life to save the others. There's a lot much to write about this novel but one thing is certain that if effort can make people laugh or make them distracted for a while from the pressure of today's world is a huge difference one can make.-

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"Let there be light..."(Invention of the Light Bulb)

The very first electric light was invented as early as 1800 by English inventor, Humphrey Davy. Through various experimentation's with electricity, he invented a basic electric battery, soon followed by electric light once he realized that carbon glowed, producing light when connected to the battery. This is called an electric arc.
1860, Sir Joseph Wilson Swan set about attempting to develop a practical, long-lasting from of electric light. It was he who realized that carbon paper filament worked well, however did burn up relatively quickly . In 1878, his new lamp inventions were showcased in Newcastle, England.
1877 saw American Charles Francis Brush develop a series of carbon arcs in order to illuminate a public square in Ohio, USA. A few streets, some large office buildings and some stores all utilized electric light, but the extent of usage was not at all common.
Typically credited as the 'inventor of the light bulb' Thomas Alva Edison experimented with thousands upon thousands of alternative filaments to find the best material for a long-lasting, high glow solution. 1879 was the year Edison finally realized that a carbon filament within an oxygen-free bulb glowed but would not burn up for approximately 40 hours. Later, Edison invented a bulb that would expire for over 1500 hours.
Lewis Howard Latiner improved upon Edison,s bulb with a new carbon filament which he patented in 1881. Latiner was part of Edison's research team, termed "Edison's Pioneers", and in 1882 began to manufacture and distribute his own carbon filaments.
At the turn of the century , in 1903, Willis R. Whitney introduced a 'fix' to the light bulb, so that the inside of the bulb would not darken as the filament began to glow, thus producing more vivid and bright light. William David Coolidge then invented a tungsten version of the traditional filament, which lasted longer then any other filament. This incandescent light bulb revolutionized the way in which we live today.

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Global Warming.....

Global Warming The Beginning of the Industrial Revolution brought many new, exciting inventions into our lives to simplify our lives and made them more efficient. Such inventions included cars, household appliances and plant that burn solid waste, fossil fuels such as oil, natural gas,and coal, and wood and wood products for fuel . Before the Industrial Revolution human activities caused very few gases to be released into the atmosphere; but now scientists say, through the burning of fossil fuels, a large population growth and deforestation, humans are affecting the mixture of gases in the atmosphere. This mixture of gases in the atmosphere is causing the worldwide problem known as Global Warming.
According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency , the earth has a natural "greenhouse effect" which is caused by energy from the sun controlling the earth's weather and climate,and heats the earth's surface. In response to the sun, the earth radiates energy back into space. Atmospheric greenhouse gases such as water vapor, carbon dioxide, and other gases, trap the energy leaving the earth and retaining it as heat, much like a greenhouse ceiling. This is a natural and necessary effect, without it temperatures on earth would be much lower then they are now and life as it is today would not be possible, but with the greenhouse effect the earth's average temperature is a more comfortable and life-supporting 60 degrees Fahrenheit The problems that have arisen with the greenhouse effect have occurred due to the increase in atmospheric greenhouse gases. The EPA reports that data collected over the last 100 years shows that the average land surface temperature has risen between 0.8 and one degree Fahrenheit, precipitation has increased around one percent over the globe and the sea level has risen approximately 6-8 inches approximately 1 -2 inches f the rise caused by melting mountain glaciers and another 1 -4 inches has resulted from the expansion of the ocean water as a result of the warmer ocean temperatures. Scientists believe that the increase greenhouse gas concentration, especially of carbon dioxide, is being caused by the combustion of fossil fuels and other human activities. Fossil fuels burned to run cars and trucks, heat homes and businesses, and power factories are responsible for about 98% of the total U.S. emission of carbon dioxide 24% of the methane emissions and 18% of nitrous oxide emissions. Also contributing a significant share of emissions is the increase in agriculture, deforestation, landfills, industrial production, and mining. Scientists predicted that in 1997 the United States was responsible for the emission of about one-fifth of the total global greenhouse gases. The total amount of future emissions depends on a range of factors, such as demographic, economic, and technological Policy and institutional developments, marking it difficult to estimate future emissions. Despite the difficulty scientists have made some predictions; they predict that by the year 2010, without emissions control policies, carbon dioxide concentrations will be 30-150% higher than they are today. Scientists also expect that the earth's average surface temperature could ride 1.6-6.3 degrees Fahrenheit by 2100. It is also expected that the sea level is likely to rise two feet along most the U.S. coast. Today, according to the Environmental Defense Fund (DEF), for every one person out of the six billion people on earth, almost six tons of carbon dioxide re released into the atmosphere each year. Because of human activities, the atmospheric concentration of this greenhouse gas has risen by over 30% over the last 250 years. According to the EDS, people can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases being mixed into the atmosphere. Using public transportation, walking or biking to school o work, or if you must drive, join a carpool and use a car that gets high mileage are suggested to lower carbon dioxide levels. The EDS also recommends using energy-efficient appliances in your house, weatherizing your home and using renewable energy sources, like solar heat or wind power. Natural gas releases the least amount of carbon dioxide and therefore is recommended to replace coal and oil in power plants and factories. Climate change, such as global warming, is a global problem that requires actions of improvement from the entire international community. According to the EPA countries from around the world, including the United States, are working together to share technologies, experience, resources and talent to lower total greenhouse gas emissions and reduce the threat of global warming. These efforts commonly referred to as Technology Cooperation, can occur between nations, private entities, and organization around the world. International efforts private are in progress to try to establish practices for land use, land use change and forestry to reduce green house gas emissions and increase carbon sinks. Locally, according to the EPA, cities and states around the U.S. are preparing or have already prepared greenhouse gas inventories, and are currently pursuing programs and policies that are hoped to result in the decrease of greenhouse gas emissions. The Union of Concerned Scientists , UCS
As well as lowering the amount of pollutants being put into the air, citizens can reduce their energy bills by around 30% by replacing their home appliances by energy efficient products in their home. Individuals can make a big difference in global warming also. Citizens can get involved with organizations to attract the attention of government as well as following a couple of the suggestions made above. People can drive less, or use more efficient cars, smoke less, even cigarette and pipe smoke are pollutants and replace their appliances ad household products with more energy efficient ones. Global warming is a problem, and it won't go away without the cooperation of the would and its inhabitants.
        So, "Act Locally and Think Globally"

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Golden lines,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

1:Brevity is the soul of wit
2:Neither a borrower nor a lender be

   (Hamlet 1600-1)
3:O for a life of sensations rather then of thoughts.
4:What the imagination seizes as beauty must be truth.

   (Letter to Benjamin Bailey Nov 22, 1871)
5:Government of the people, by the people, for the people,
    shell not perish from the earth.
   Abraham Lincoln 

   (Nov 19, 1863 Gettysburg address)
6:What though the field be lost
   All is not lost-the unconquerable will.
   Milton (Paradise Lost 1667)
1:Behind every successful man, there  is a woman.
   Behind every unsuccessful man there are Two.
2:A Friend in need is a Friend indeed.
                           And now
   A Friend in deed is a Friend to be avoided

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Strive in the way of Allah....

Strive in the way of Allah with a service worthy of Him.He has chosen you and laid no hardship on you in the way of faith

(Translation in Urdu)
اللہ (کی راہ) میں جہاد کرو جیسا جہاد کرنے کا حق ہے۔ اُس نے تم کو برگزیدہ کیا ہے اور تم پر دین (کی کسی بات) میں تنگی نہیں کی۔

                                سورۃ الحج -

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Its contains clear signs,

Its contains clear signs, and the spot where Abraham had stood. And anyone who enters it will find security. And whosoever can afford should visit the House on pilgrimage as duty to Allah.
 (Translation in Urdu)

اس میں کُھلی ہوئی نشانیاں ہیں جن میں سے ایک ابراہیم علیہ سلام کے کھڑے ہونے کی جگہ ہے، جو شخص اس (مبارک) گھر میں داخل ہوا اس نے امن پا لیا ۔ اور لوگوں پر خدا کا حق (یعنی فرض) ہے کہ جو اس گھر تک جانے کا مقدور رکھے وہ اس کا حج کرے۔

                                سورۃ اٰلِ عمران ۔ 97

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Be firm in devotion,

Be firm in devotion, and pay the zakat. And what you send ahead of good you will find with Allah, for He sees all that you do.

                                              Al-Baqarah- 110

                                  (Translation in Urdu)

اور نماز ادا کرتے رہو اور زکوٰۃ دیتے رہو اور جو بھلائی اپنے لئے آگے بھیج رکھو گے اس کو اللہ کے ہاں پالو گے ۔ کچھ شک نہیں کہ اللہ سب کاموں کو دیکھ رہا ہے۔

                                    سورۃ البقرۃ ۔ 110

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Ramadan is the month is which........

Ramadan is the month is which the Quran was reveated as guidance to man and clear proof of the guidance, and criterion (of falsehood and truth ). So when you see the new moon you should fast the whole month.

           Al-Baqarah - 185

                            (Translation in urdu)

(روزں کا مہینہ) رمضان کا مہینہ (ہے) جس میں قرآن (اول اول) نازل ہوا جو لوگوں کا رہنما ہے اور (جس میں) ہدایت کی کُھلی نشانیاں ہیں اور(جو حق و باطل کو ) الگ الگ کرنے والا ہے ۔ تو جو کوئی تم میں سے اس مہینے میں موجود ہو چاہیے کہ پُورے مہینے کے روزے رکھے۔

                           سُورۃ البقرۃ۔ 185

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Tell them"

Tell them" My service and sacrifice, my life and my death, are all of them for Allah, the creator and Lord of all the worlds. No equal has He, I am commanded (to declare), and that I am the first to submit".  

(Translation in Urdu)

کہو، میری نماز ، میری ساری عبادت کی رسمیں، میرا جینا، میرا مرنا سب کچھ اللہ ربُ العالمین کے لیے ہے جس کا کوئی شریک نہیں اسی کا حکم دیا کیا ہے اور میں سب سے پہلے اطاعت کرنے والوں میں ہوں۔
            سورۃ الا نعام۔162 تا 163

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There is no god but.....

There is no god but Allah and Muhammad (P.B.U.H) is the Prophet of Allah.
  (Translation in Urdu)
        اللہ کے سوا کوئی معبُود برحق نہیں ہے (اور) مُحمد ٌ اللہ کے رسُول ہیں۔

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YASIN.I call to witness the Quran,

YASIN.I call to witness the Quran,custodian of all laws,that you are indeed one of those sent on a path that is straight. 
(Yasin 1-4)

  (Translation in Urdu)

یٰسین- قسم ہے قرآن کی جو حکمت سے بھرا ہوا ہے۔(اے مُحمّدٌ) بے شک تم پیغمبروں میں سے ہو، سیدھے رستہ پر۔                   

سُورۃ یٰسین-1تا4

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Your God is one God;

Your God is one God; there is no god other then He, the compassionate,ever-merciful.
(Al-Baqrah 163)
                                    (Translation in Urdu)  

اور لوگو تمہارا معبُود خُدائے واحد ہے۔ اس بڑے مہربان (اور) رحم واے کے سوا کوئی عبادت کے لائق نہیں۔
            (سُورۃ البقرہ ۔ 163)

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In the name of Allah,
most benevolent, ever-merciful.

شروع اللہ کے پاک نام سے جو بڑا مہربان نہایت رحم والا ہے۔

1. Lord of all the worlds,

۔ مخلوقات کا پروردگار ہے

2. Most beneficent, ever merciful,

۔ بڑا مہربان نہایت رحم والا ہے

3. King of the Day of judgement,

۔ اِنصاف کے دن کا حاکم

4. You alone we worship,and to You alone we turn for help.

۔(اے پروردگار) ہم تیری ہی عبادت کرتے ہیں اور تجھی سے مدد مانگتے ہیں

5. Guide us (O Allah) to the path that is straight,

۔ ہم کو سیدھے رستے چلا

6. The path of those You have blessed,

۔ اُن لوگوں کے رستے جِن پر تو اپنا فضل و  کرم کرتا رہا

7. Not of those who have earned your anger, nor those who have gone astray. 

۔ نہ اُن کے جن پر غصے ہوتا رہا اور نہ گُمراہوں کے

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