Where am I going?

Life is like a tunnel
long and pitch dark
void of torch, creates suffocation
and summons turfulance
People here are like passers by
similar in status but dissimilar
in mental stature
Heaviness and drowsiness detain
the dreams;
life is like a tunnel
due to dirth
in sincerity, love and devotion
Alas! progress & prosperity
all in one
prevail here and there in full length
is nothing
debauchery, vanity and frailty
Oh! where am I going?
no where!
But these faces never change
Nor have I changed
Every year a new enthusiasm
A new excitement
It seems that I am still there
Where I was
And the winged chariot of time
Is running fast by me
There is no yesterday
No to day in my life
But these new faces look mature

They have gone through the
Vicissitudes of life
Their hearts are full of hopes
Though not without apprehensions

These are the people who
have seen life
made, unmade, scattering
and breaking
But they also observe that
factional rivalries
Are turning into
personal devotions
It appears that oppressions
is reaching its extreme
And human sympathies are
The clouds of darkness are
There is light on the horizon
But this is not the glare
Of missiles and atomic bombs
It is the reflection
Of man's confidence
Who never staggered even
In the worst situations
May these eyes overflow no more
I am here, so are you
No one will say Good bye
The time will pass
Only the time will pass


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