Some Things Successful Job Seekers

Plan it. First of all, it is a great idea to spend some time and plan your job search, also write it down to your notebook. Knowing what to do in a job hunt is a must, the entire search process is going be a lot easier. Also, it is scientifically proven that by writing down the task you help yourself to concentrate and it increases the possibility of a successful task management.

The second thing you might want to do is treat your online job search as you would any traditional job search. Don't rely solely on the Internet; go to job fairs, and use your networking resources. After all, you could always get a traditional job in an office somewhere, work that job for a while, and then try to convince your boss to let you work from home. Also, ask your friends, your college career counselor, your old supervisors at your summer internships, and anyone else you can think of if they know of any online positions opening up where they work.

Don't stop in the middle of filling out an online job application unless you are able to save your work and return later (a number of companies do offer this feature on their online job applications). A simple 15 minute break can turn into hours if you get sidetracked with housework, another online task, and so forth. By the time you get back to your online job application, the page may have timed out. Eliminate wasted time and work by saving your application or completing the online process at once.

They only apply for positions that they are suitable for: one of the statistics that most struck me, was that the most successful job seekers often applied for fewer than 10 positions, and yet the least successful often had statistics showing 100's or 1000's of applications. The successful only applied for the jobs where they knew they fitted the requirements. If you have applied for and been rejected from more than 20 positions, there is something wrong in your application technique

Make full use of all the resources around you. Visit career advisers and graduate fairs to make sure you are fully aware of what options are out there. A lot of companies will make significant investments in order to attend these fairs as they are serious about finding talented, enthusiastic young people to take on.

Remember that every career begins with a job. Just because you have had to start lower on the career ladder than you would have hoped doesn't mean you should feel disheartened. Starting low down at a company you really like can often provide more valuable financially in the long term and allows career growth.


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